
Body Evolution is the product of Annalise and Hayden’s passion and vision, believing that there is a need in the fitness industry for an alternative approach to training for women, Phase Based Training. Along with their experience and skills, their vision is to provide a safe space for women who not only want to be fit, healthy and strong but also educate and build a greater self-awareness of what it is to BE a woman. 

What is Phase Based Training ? Simply put it's about working with what you were born with, our female physiology. As a woman our training and nutrition needs to change both during our menstrual cycle and during our lifetime so understanding how, when, how hard, and what type of training to do are all important aspects to focus on and with the help of both our app based technology and one on one coaching we will guide and help you to understand how to get the best out of your body and maximize your potential as a woman.